Friday, October 20, 2006

OK, fine...

It turns out the North Koreans did have a nuke that caused that tiny bang.  It just fizzled.  

And now their really
sorry about that whole "we will go to war with our new nuclear arsenal" thing.  If the US will just lay off those sanctions they promise to be good while we're looking.  Really.  Cross their little hearts.  Just like when Clinton gave them all the nuclear technology they needed and lots of aid.  

Yeah, just like that.

Friday, October 13, 2006

I, for one, welcome our new trailer park overlords...

Hey, it's more of a bang than North Korea came up with.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I've been waiting to get a little more info on this North Korea nuke test, and all the signs point to it being - maybe - nonexistent.  The calculated yield was .55 KT, which is a really tiny nuke.  There seems to be a lot of speculation in the intel business that Lil' Kim packed a cave full of TNT and just lit the fuse.  No nuke.  He just wants attention because he's "so ronery..."

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Before I forget...

We had a birthday party to go to last Sunday morning at Chucky Cheese's, so we went to the early service at church.  When we left to go to the party, my son asked from the back seat "Daddy, why did God make Chucky Cheese?"

Well son, it was to punish your daddy for dragging his parents to Showbiz Pizza as often as possible when he was a kid.  Near as I can tell.