Friday, August 11, 2006

Lotta callin' to do

Clicking on one of the headlines on The Drudge Report today brings up this story.  Why are these guys not being held at least until the Feds talk to them?  OK, OK I know they claim that they're just reselling for a profit, and I have absolutely no problem with capitalism or enterprising business men, but if you're going to buy a phone from some guy for about 40 bucks wouldn't you at least want a charger and battery?  Maybe even a handy package to keep it all together?  Two guys in the back of a rented moving van sorting the pieces of untraceable cell phone packages sounds just a mite suspicious to me.  Of course they live in Texas so their Pakistani heritage doesn't make a blip on the radar.

Where were they going to sell 1000 phones at a time anyway.  Wouldn't you buy maybe 100, 150 to turn a quick profit and then go back for more?  Is there that big a market for loose prepaid cell phones sold out of the back of a truck?  Even if these guys aren't terrorists their clientele probably isn't all squeaky-clean in a legal sense.

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